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PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome):

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, also known as polycystic ovarian disease or PCOD is a very common female health complaint . The word Syndrome “ is used to describe PCOD because, it is a complex manifestation involving many factors and organs such as — obesity, insulin resistance, irregular menstrual bleeding ( in most cases, excessive menstrual bleeding), abnormal menstrual periods & cycle, lack of ovum production ( anovulation) etc.

PCOD is common female endocrine disorders affecting approximately 5-12% of women. It causes worry as it is commonly found in reproductive age; also it is thought to be one of the leading causes of female infertility.

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Organs involved in polycystic Ovary disease are
1. Ovary – the female gonad organ, present at either side of the uterus.
2. Adrenal glands – The glands which are placed just above both the kidneys.
3. Pituitary gland – the glands just below the brain which is responsible for all the hormonal control.

Signs and symptoms
1. Clinically PCOD often manifest itself at menarche with some form of menstrual irregularity, not essentially. The principal signs and symptoms of PCOD are related to menstrual disturbance and elevated levels of male hormonal (androgens).
2. The patient approaches the physicians with symptoms like menstrual irregularities, androgenise features such as hirsutism, acne, slope is etc, obesity and infertility causes by improper ovulation etc.
3. Patient complains of increasing obesity, menstrual abnormalities in the form of less menstrual bleeding, absences of menstrual, or abnormally high and irregular bleeding and infertility. There may be abnormal growth of hair at different places of the body. The patient may not always be obese.
4. In some patients, due to insulin resistance, a dark coloured band like skin lesion may be developed at the back of neck , inner thighs and axilla
5. nternal examination reveals bilateral enlarged cystic ovaries which however may not be revealed due to obesity.

Laboratory investigations
The assessment and diagnosis of PCOS is mainly based upon clinical presentation together with USG — ultra sonography findings and hormonal profile appropriate to the mode of presentation. 1. Hypothalamic-pituitary compartment abnormality: Stimulations of gnRH leads to increased secretion of LH ( Leutinizing hormone ) and a decrease of FSH ( Follicle stimulating hormone ) this way , hormonal imbalance is triggered in PCOD. 2. Androgen excess — in some patient there is excessive production of androgen by ovaries and adrenal glands .excessive LH. Increased insulin levels also results in androgen excess. 3. Anovulation (absence of ovum production) Because of low levels of follicle stimulating hormonal, follicle growth inside The ovary is arrested leading to infertility.

Treatment of PCOD needs individualistic approach because not all the symptoms might be seen in all the patients. It depends on the presenting symptom like menstrual abnormalities, infertility obesity, hirsutism or combined symptoms

Remedies :
Ayurvedic Treatment is by applying a multi -pronged approach towards-correcting the hormonal imbalance. Treatment to obesity and avoiding high cholesterol levels. Treatment for insulin resistance if applicable There are many herbs useful in correcting the hormonal imbalance. Ashoka (Saracen Asoca ),dashmoola Kashaya( a group of the ten herbal roots ), sukumara Kashaya, others like Ashwagandha, Eranda , shatavari etc . are useful in correcting the hormonal imbalance.

Treatment for obesity:
Treatment to obesity can be achieved by using Ayurvedic herbs remedy plus diet and lifestyle Changes.

3. Treatment for insulin resistance:
Treatment for insulin resistance involves a time -consuming approach with effective Ayurvedic treatment and diet and lifestyle changes including exercise Note: the PCOD or PCOS is a common complaint in women , which can be effectively managed using Ayurvedic herbs medicines.

Single Herbs:
Below mentioned are single herbs that are useful in PCOS. (Click on the names to know more about them )
1. Varuna- crataeva nurvala — helps to clear the channels and reduces the size of the cyst.
2. Hareetaki — terminalia chebula — due to laxative effect it reduces the body morbidity and contributes significantly.
3. Pippali -long pepper – piper longum — being a potent rejuvenator , carminativ and free radical scavenging in a singnificant manner.
4. Bilva – Aegle Marmelos- reduces the size of the growth by its potent digestive effect .
5. Agnimantha -Premna integrifolia -like bilva it acts as a digestive .
6. Guduchi -tinospura Indica-due to its rejuvenation effect and bitter principal it imparts it’s benefits in breaking the patho – physiology.
7. TPunarnava – boerrhavia diffusa-diuretic benefits and smooth ending effect reduces the size of the growths.
8. Chitraka- plumbago zeylanica -penetrative and digestive.
9. Sunthi -ginger -quick penetrative and digestive .
10. Anjani – memycylon indicum-proven efficient in reducing the cysts and breaking the pathology .

Ayurvedic medicines:
Ayurvedic medicines for PCOS management: 1. Chitrakadi vati 2. Varunadi kwatha 3. Panchakola choorna 4. Arogyavardhini vati 5. Triphala guggulu 6. Varunadi Lodha 7. Phalatrikadi kashaya 8. Punarnavadikashaya